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This site serves as a monument to all soldiers who fought and all casualties of World War 1 and the Colonial Wars in the period leading up to World War 2. It intends to honor soldiers of all nationalities and all races and if you think the soldiers of your particular country are not shown enough... we invite you to visit the section "What YOU can do for the site"... I would be very happy to put up any articles you may have floating around...

The site has grown since I started out and as a result I have revamped the front page to include the main sections at a glance.... we also have our own Search Engine

The best place to start is on the "What's New?" page right HERE

Gentleman's Military Interest Club

If you are interested in Military History and Militaria, its time you visited the  GMIC

The Kaiserscross project

This deals with the Imperial German army, it´s evolution, it´s battles, it´s units and also the men who served in it, the awards they received and their deeds. Great emphasis is placed on the simple soldier, the unknown man who marched off to Verdun, the Somme, Flanders or Russia and if he was unlucky, never came back. Often all that is left of these men are an old Iron Cross and a few tattered documents. The Kaiserscross project tries to put the medals and documents awarded by the German army during the First World War into their historical and human context. See HERE

Cross of War

A section dealing with the French Croix de Guerre, the men that won it and the battles they fought in. Runners, Trench Raiders, Machine Gunners… the award documents are always interesting research projects as the citations contain a short description of the act of bravery done to merit the award. With a bit of simple research the collector can get a wonderful insight into what the soldier did and what small part his unit played in the history of the war.


Silver Stars and Purple Hearts

The arrival of Pershing's Doughboys tipped the balance of the war. While the German Army was loosing the struggle to refil its ranks, the sheer numbers of new arrivals allowed the Allies to more than make up for their losses.

Click HERE

The Casualties of War: men of all nations

It is all to easy to forget that the “Glory” of war is paid for in blood. The blood of a soldier’s comrades, but also the blood of the foe. Whether it be the blood of a Bavarian farmer, a Pennsylvania steel worker or a herder from the Khyber Pass, the result is always the same. Left behind is a grieving family, a widow and children without a father. Most of the casualties were men who had little influence over the events they were caught up in but died or were wounded for what they believed to be right.


Harry's Africa

Kaiserscross is proud to host "Harry's Africa".

Harry has articles covering pre WW2 Campaigns in far flung corners of the African continent.

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The wars in Africa  

It is not the intention of this site to ponder the moral implications of colonization. The intention is simply to examine the awards and medals of soldiers fighting in Africa from about the 1890’s to the last gasps of empire. Included are sections on the Boer war, the campaigns for with the French Medaille Coloniale was awarded, the fighting in the German colonies.


The Battles of WW1

1st Ypres, 2nd Ypres, 3rd Ypres, North of the Somme, South of the Somme, Left bank of Verdun, Right bank at Verdun… WW1 has a confusing array of bloody battles. On the site we will do our best to create a series of very brief synopsis’s to help the collector understand where his soldier fits into the big picture. This section will be of interest to readers who do not have access to French or German sources as it covers many actions ignored by English sources.


We want YOU! Yes we DO!

For the visitor... What can YOU do for the site?

Contribute articles! No matter how obscure your area of interest we would welcome it here on the site!

Help participate in the financial burden. No matter how small the sum, it would help with the costs and can be paypaled to

Thanks to Donna who pointed out that I had a typo in my paypal address, no wonder the total donations over the last 2 years have been USD 0.00 :-(

Have any questions? Contact me by email or on the FORUM
